Run From the Command Line

If you have set up the sedflux working directory with the necessary input files, you are now ready to run it. If your sedflux working directory is <project-dir>, you can execute sedflux from the command line with something like the following,

To run sedflux from the command line,

> cd <project-dir>
> sedflux --init-file=<init-file>

where <init-file> is the name of your initialization file. By default, sedflux will run in 2D mode. To run sedflux in 3D mode, use the -3 option,

> sedflux -3 --init-file=<init-file>

To get a brief description of the available options (there aren’t many), use the --help option,

> sedflux --help

If you are running sedflux on a cluster, you will most likely have to submit your sedflux job to a queuing system. Because sedflux is written to run in serial, creating a submission script that will run sedflux is fairly straight forward.