.. _sedflux_command_line: Run From the Command Line ========================= If you have set up the sedflux working directory with the necessary :ref:`input files `, you are now ready to run it. If your sedflux working directory is ````, you can execute sedflux from the command line with something like the following, To run sedflux from the command line, .. code-block:: bash > cd > sedflux --init-file= where ```` is the name of your initialization file. By default, sedflux will run in 2D mode. To run sedflux in 3D mode, use the ``-3`` option, .. code-block:: bash > sedflux -3 --init-file= To get a brief description of the available options (there aren't many), use the ``--help`` option, .. code-block:: bash > sedflux --help If you are running sedflux on a cluster, you will most likely have to submit your sedflux job to a queuing system. Because sedflux is written to run in serial, creating a :ref:`submission script that will run sedflux ` is fairly straight forward.