
The sedflux subsidence module allows the user to specify subsidence rates for a model simulation. This should not to be confused with the isostasy module, which predicts subsidence rates due to loading. Subsidence is configured in a sedflux process file with the group name subsidence. Following is an example key-value group that defines the subsidence module.

[ subsidence ]
active:                                 yes
logging:                                yes
repeat interval:                        always
subsidence file:                        test.subsidence

The first three parameters are general module parameters that must be specified for every group within a process file. The remaining parameter is specific to the subsidence module:

  • subsidence file: Path to the file that contains the subsidence data

The format of the sedflux subsidence file depends on whether sedflux is run in 2D or 3D mode. In either case this file defines subsidence rates that are able to vary in both time and space.