Prerequisites needed to build sedflux


To install sedflux-2.0, you need to have certain progams installed on you machine. A list of these programs follows with the version numbers that I used. It is possible that older version will work but I have not checked if this is the case.

  • glib-2.0 (>= 2.16)
  • pkg-config (0.21)
  • gcc (2.95.3)
  • cmake (2.6)

If you do not have some of the optional programs, you can still install sedflux but with some loss of functionality. The limitations are:

  • check: You will not be able to run unit tests on your compiled code.
  • doxygen: You will not be able to generate documentation

The configure script will check for these packages and turn them on or off depending are whether or not they are found.