.. _sedflux_module_sea_level: Sea Level ========= The sea-level module changes base level with time for a sedflux simulation. sedflux reads a [wiki:SedfluxFileSeaLevel sea-level file] that gives a time series of sea level over the period of the simulation. The sea-level module is configured within the sedflux :ref:`process description file ` as a group named *sea level*. Following is an example [wiki:SedfluxKeyValueFile key-value group] that defines the sea-level module:: [ 'sea level' ] active: yes logging: no repeat interval: always sea level file: sea_level.csv The first three parameters are general module parameters that must be specified for every group within a :ref:`process description file `. The remaining parameter is specific to the sea-level module: * ``sea level file``: Name of the file that contains the sea-level time series