.. _sedflux_sea_level_file: Description of a sedflux sea-level file ======================================= A sedflux sea-level file consists of two comma-separated columns that specify sea-level with time. The first column is time (in years), and the second is elevation (in meters). sedflux uses linear interpolation to find sea-level between points. A simple sea-level file looks like this:: 0 , 0 3000, -10 6000, 5 Here sea level falls 10 meters over 3000 years, and then rises 15 meters over the next 3000 years. The name of the sea-level file that sedflux uses is configured in the :ref:`process description file ` as the :ref:`sea-level module `. Note that time is measured from the start of the sedflux simulation (not, say, years before present). For example, if you are using a sea-level curve for the last 20ky, time 0 would correspond to 20ky ago and time 20ky to present day.